Gho Pujai

Gho Pujai
As Sri Vasishta guided Dileepan in Gho seva, Let Sri Mahaswamy guide us all in Gho Seva - Govinda Govinda

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Be a Gho Sevaka - say no to Vegan - say yes to Gho Seva.

Indians have been using cow’s milk from time immemorial. Its supposed to be an elixer when taken after the calf has been sufficiently fed.
Ayurveda asks to use the milk from native cows for curative purpose.

Cows eat carbon, take nitrogen and oxygen from air, give back calcium in milk, nitrates in dung, minerals in urine. These are essential for keeping oneself healthy – they are the best natural alternative to being dependent on tablets from western medicine. There is not a machine in world that has done this ‘period table transition of elements’ so quickly in the world that man has developed.
Veganism involves not using animals for even agriculture too. This is not so in case of scriptures. Bullocks are used for tilling in agriculture, for running the oil mills ( oil press machines – not the crude oil :) ), as transport, for milk for daily yogut, butter milk, milk, ghee and butter production, for their dung and urine for production of panchagavya and many other ingredients.
Veganism is a western philosophy which depends heavily on running on harmful carbon based fuels for achieving transport, tilling soil, running oil mills and depending on medicinal supplements from chemical based corporate medicines. This damages the environment with carbon foot print and also damages the fragile relationship that’s been developed between the domesticated animals for several thousands of years. What ever the western world has given in philosophy and methodology is totally alien and absurd to the world. Think of it, they said Paracetamol is a cure for headache and sold the medicine – then suddenly after 50 years, it was found to develop heart ailments and cancer and it was withdrawn – same is the case with vicks, pizza, burger, soft drinks, chocolates, remember the famous toothpaste advertisement some 30 years back – they said the tooth powder we Indians use had salt and that damages the tooth and they got the finely grained branded tooth paste – now after 30 years – you see the same company markets its toothpaste with salt in it – it advertises it openly that it has salt in it for better action on teeth – same is the case with shampoos and hairdyes – while the former advertisement from same company states the action is till the root – the later is only to the upper layer it says – how cheap they are cheating us??? – They still fool us with adverts showing a guy with a white coat and stetescope and what ever he ‘approves’ is approved by Indian Dental Association – where the guy is an actor and not a real doctor and worse there is no ‘Indian Dental Association’ too.. Same is the case with Veganism – its just the craze of the time.. like with any of these tamil songs nowadays from Aniruddh – good for humming – but dissappears as quickly as it came.
FYI – Sri Krishna himself grew up in the house of people who milked cows, used cow’s milk for producing milk, yogut, buttermilk, butter and ghee. ‘
Blue cross is doing a great service no wonder, but Sanatana Dharma had been doing the same thing that you are doing for thousands of years before without a centrally controlled ‘cross’ organization. Rather it depends on individual’s love and respect for the fellow creatures and getting help from them without harming them. That’s the reason, in India, except Cheatah, there was no extinction of species till today.
Thanks and regards,
P. Vijay

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